Outlook Drag and Drop in C#

しかし、FileContentsの取得結果がAll 0になってしまいます。サイズは取得すべきサイズになっていて正しいです。
FORMATETC構造体に設定する.lindexメンバー変数の値が正しく設定されていないせいだとおもい、FILEGROUPDESCRIPTOR構造体の.cItemsの値を設定してやってるんですが、やはりAll 0のままです。

    case "FileContents":
    //override the default handling of FileContents which returns the
    //contents of the first file as a memory stream and instead return
    //a array of MemoryStreams containing the data to each file dropped

    //get the array of filenames which lets us know how many file contents exist

    // modified begin
    //string[] fileContentNames = (string[])this.GetData("FileGroupDescriptor");
    string[] fileContentNames = (string[])this.GetData("FileGroupDescriptorW");     // Unicode UTF-16LE
    if (fileContentNames.Length <= 0)
        fileContentNames = (string[])this.GetData("FileGroupDescriptor");

    //create a MemoryStream array to store the file contents
    MemoryStream[] fileContents = new MemoryStream[fileContentNames.Length];

    //loop for the number of files acording to the file names
    for(int fileIndex = 0;fileIndex < fileContentNames.Length;fileIndex++)
        //get the data at the file index and store in array
        // modified begin
        //fileContents[fileIndex] = this.GetData(format, fileIndex);
        if (gFileGrpDescW != null)
            fileContents[fileIndex] = this.GetData(format, (int)gFileGrpDescW.cItems);
        else if (gFileGrpDescA != null)
            fileContents[fileIndex] = this.GetData(format, (int)gFileGrpDescA.cItems);
        // modified end

    // added
    gFileGrpDescW = null;
    gFileGrpDescA = null;

    //return array of MemoryStreams containing file contents
    return fileContents;


Shows how Email attachments can be dropped onto your own controls

しかし、前述の通りFileContentsがAll 0となってしまい、困っています。